Cover by Elrohir, or rather Ken Rahman, according to Shannon Appelcline https://www.rpg.net/columns/advanced-designers-and-dragons/advanced-designers-and-dragons67.phtml
What’s new
- Editorial, explains price increase – to keep up with inflation
- And there are reprints of the editorials from 19 because they had a confusing layout
- First halloween issue – albeit a month late
- Death stats of D&D players – someone kept track of all the ways various characters and hirelings died – most deaths were by goblin races
- Photos from GenCon X, including Elise Gygax handing out awards
- Polynesia mythos – I guess some people like this kind of stuff
- Witches and witchcraft in D&D – basically a magic user with a bunch of new spells
- Demonology – all sorts of tables and rule about summoning – one of those articles that I just quickly scan because it mostly bores me and it’s not official anyway
- Demonic possession and exorcism – um yeah, mostly skipped this one too
- Lord of the Rings movie preview – the Ralph Bakshi one – some interesting background on the movie’s development
Ads of note
- After the full page ad for the G modules last issue, this one has a full page ad for the new D modules