Announcement of 3 new people joining staff – Tim Kask, Terry Kuntz, Dave Arneson.
Oh look, more info on pole arms…
Worth mentioning, in each of these issues there’s a section called Mapping the Dungeons where they mention various newsletters that contain D&D content and also a list of dungeon masters available.
New magic user subclass – the illusionist with descriptions of new spells.
New monster – Clay Golem.
Product listing now has Blackmoor even though they mention at the start it’s running late.
Also there’s a note that “The Dragon is coming!”
Date Information
“SR Goes Bi-Monthly Next Issue!” (As if it wasn’t almost already…). So Winter eh? Dec-Feb. And yet the next issue is December! We get mentions that Blackmoor is delayed and there’s an ad for it (which has its own dating issues). Also the Dungeon board game has been published. It mentions Origins, Citex and Gencon in the past tense, so it has to be at least after August. But it mentions Wintercon which is coming up on December 6. I think it’s fairly safe to place this issue around October.